Basil, a fresh vegetable that provides health benefits

Basil leaves are not only a flavorful, unique and distinctive fresh vegetable but also have health benefits.

Basil leaves, their refreshing aroma is also beneficial

This type of vegetable called basil, can be consumed as a fresh vegetable accompanied by cucumber, kole and sambel lamongan which is delicious, usually available at lamongan stalls that sell fried chicken, fried duck or fried pigeon.

This basil leaf will increase appetite because of its refreshing aroma and taste, so many like to consume this green vegetable.

Basil leaves besides being refreshing also have many health benefits that you need to know.

This is because the nutrients contained in basil can help maintain normal blood sugar levels, reduce inflammation in the body, reduce the risk of heart disease.

In addition, basil even has other benefits for men, including helping to increase sexual desire, improve sperm quality, overcome premature ejaculation and help prevent infertility.

We share dishes that use additional basil leaves:

- Basil will also give a distinctive aroma, flavor and pleasure if used for additional cooking lodeh bongkrek kemangi.

- Garlic basil sambal and fried tempeh are snapped in the garlic basil sambal, although simple but gives a delicious taste.

- Fresh basil is used as additional vegetables that provide a distinctive aroma and flavoring for yellow rice dishes.

- Fresh basil leaves are also used as an additional side dish that gives a distinctive aroma and flavor to ranggi rice.

The distinctive aroma of basil is because basil is often called basil, an aromatic plant that has more than 60 varieties.

How to dry basil leaves:

- If you have an oven, then place the basil leaves on a clean oven-proof tray and put it in the oven.

- Turn on the oven by using the lowest temperature and leave it for 30 minutes, after which turn off the heat. Then keep the oven door closed and allow the basil leaves to dry for 10 hours or more.

Here, some of the nutrient content contained in fresh basil weighing 50 grams, quoted from the Food Data Central United States Department of Agriculture:

Water = 46.05 grams

Fat = 0.32 grams

Protein = 1.57 grams

Energy = 11.5 kilocalories

Magnesium = 32 milligrams

Potassium = 147.5 milligrams

Calcium = 88.5 milligrams

Fiber = 0.8 grams

Thiamine = 0.017 milligrams

Zinc = 0.040 milligrams

Phosphorus = 28 milligrams

Vitamin C = 9 milligrams

Riboflavin = 0.038 milligrams

5 Benefit that can be obtained from basil leaves :

With a variety of nutritional content contained in basil, consuming enough basil leaves will be able to provide good health benefits.

These health benefits include helping to maintain blood sugar levels, reduce inflammation in the body to minimize the risk of heart disease.

Here's the explanation:

1. Maintain blood sugar levels

Basil leaf extract contains compounds that are antidiabetic so that it can suppress endogenous glucose release and can inhibit glycogenolysis or can stimulate glycogenesis.

Glycogenolysis is a process of breaking down glycogen into glucose, while glycogenesis is a process of forming glycogen from glucose. This condition is good for diabetics.

2. Stabilizes blood pressure

The content of eugenol contained in basil leaves can help in controlling blood pressure because this content can relax blood vessels, so it can help lower blood pressure, especially for people with hypertension.

3. Counteracts the influence of free radicals

Basil leaves also contain antioxidant compounds so that these compounds can help reduce the influence of free radicals that can trigger oxidative stress and inflammation in the body.

This statement is based on research entitled Toxicity, Antioxidant Activuty, and Phytochemicals of Basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) Leaves Cultivated in Southern Punjab, Pakistan.

This oxidative stress, if not addressed immediately, can trigger health problems such as inflammation such as arthritis, heart disease and even cancer.

4. Increase the body's immune system function

The amount of nutrients and certain compounds contained in basil, then consuming basil can help improve the function of the immune system throughout the body to be optimal.

A study featured in the “Iranian Journal of Basic Medical Science” states that basil can increase levels of T lymphocytes, NK cells and other compounds contained in basil can optimize the body's immune system function.

Antibacterial compounds found in basil will be able to help the immune system in fighting bacterial infections that can trigger the emergence of various diseases.

5. Maintains cognitive function and mental health

Antioxidant compounds found in basil can also maintain cognitive function and improve short-term memory ability so as to reduce the risk of alzheimer's disease.

Therefore, don't ignore the information and important you know about the many benefits of consuming basil leaves for health.

However, for someone who has certain health problems such as bleeding disorders, pregnant women or someone who is still taking certain drugs.

People with these conditions should consult a doctor before consuming basil to avoid side effects that can interfere with their health.

It is important that you know, that the information we provide in this article is only limited to education. Therefore, it cannot be used as the main treatment method in dealing with health problems or replace medical treatment from a doctor.

Therefore, we need a balanced nutritious food intake according to the condition of the body and routine exercise in order to get ahealthy body. This is because a healthy body is the hope of all of us.

Hope this is useful for you!

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