The amazing health benefits of ginger

Ginger, is a spice used for additional seasoning in cooking, for herbal drinks that contain antioxidants and other ingredients that are beneficial for health.

4 benefits of ginger

Ginger is a type of rhizome plant used for spices. This Spice useful for making dishes have a distinctive aroma and as an herbal medicinal inggredient.

In addition, ginger can also be processed into ginger candy, ginger drink ginger tea. Ginger drinks can help with colds (flu), lower blodd glucose, lower cholesterol, nausea, reduce allergic reactions and ather health benefits.

The three main active components of terpenes found in ginger include high phytochemical content, polyphenols, glingerol, shogaol and paradol.

Some benefits of ginger

Ginger, besides being able to warm the body, can also increase the body’s resistance to infection, rich in antioxidants so that it can ward off free radicals.

One of the natural components of ginger, gingerol, is useful to help speed food out of the stomach and continue to the etieri throughout the digestive proses or benefit gastrointestinal motility.

Therefore, by consuming ginger, It can encourage more efficient digestion so that food does not stay in the intestines for long.

Here, some of the benefits of ginger :

1. Able to relieve nausea

Ginger can relieve nause without giving harmful side effect for someone who is still undergoing chemotherapy and for pregnant women who often feel nauseous in the mornig can relieve their nausea by consuming ginger.

The benefits of ginger in overcoming this nausea, by the American Academy of Obstetrics and Gynecology state s that ginger is a non-pharmaceutical drug that can be accepted to treat nausea and vomiting.

2. Overcoming flatulence

Eating ginger can reduce fermentation, constipation, and other causes of flatulence and intestinal gas.

3. Maintain wear and tear of body cells

The antioksidant content of ginger can help manage free radicals. Free radicals are compounds that can damage cells when there are too many of them.

4. As an anti-inflammatory

There are many natural compounds found in ginger, soem of which function as anti-inflammatory.

I often make ginger tea too, when It’s cold or when I’m not feeling well. Ginger tea with honey, lemongrass and lime is also good drink to make this herbal drink more enjoyable.

Ginger powder is also widely found and sold in the market so you only need to brew it with water, if you want to drink the powdered ginger. However, fresh ginger has stronger health benefits than dried ginger in powder from, but dried ginger will have a milder flavor.

In addition, making ginger tea using fresh ginger will certainly take longer than making ginger tea with ground ginger.

I’ll share how to make my usual tea, ginger, lemongrass and lime :

- First take ginger about the size of a thumb segment, then peel the ginger until clean, clean the ginger, lemongrass and lime with clean water.

- Shred the ginger and lemongrass, cut the lime with the peel.

- Cook about 2 cups of water, add the ginger and lemongrass that has been cracked. After the water boils, add the lime that has been cut into pieces earlier, leave for a while.

- Then strain the boiled water of tea, lemongrass and lime into a glass, add honey according to taste. This herbal drink, ready to drink.

Fresh ginger can last a long time if stored in the refrigerator (freezer). When the ginger has been peeled, cleaned, trimmed and chopped in powder form.

Is it good to take ginger supplements?

In order to get the best health benefits of ginger, you should consume fresh ginger instead of ginger supplements in the form of ginger pills. This is, because we do not know wheater the ginger supplements contain other ingredients or not.

Therefore, we must be more careful in taking any supplements.

Thinly sliced ginger can also be made into pickled ginger. Pickled ginger, which gives a sour, sweet and spicy flavor, is commonly served with sushi.

The ginger component in pickled ginger is healthy, combined with the probiotic benefits of pickles.

When compared to other pickles, pickled ginger does not contain high sodium.

Are there any side effects of consuming ginger?

Based on research conducted by experts, ginger is safe to consume in normal amounts. However, higher does of ginger, such as those found in supplements, may increase the risk of bleeding.

Especially for someone who is still on anti-coagulant therapy (blood thinners). Especially for someone with heart disease who has to take blood thinning medication, they should be careful.

A study has explored ginger, whether consuming large amounts of ginger can affect insulin or lower blodd sugar?

The results showed that diabetics can consume normal amounts of ginger but should avoid large doses of ginger supplements.

Do you know about ginger beer? What is ginger beer? Ginger beer is a non-alcoholic beverage that is carbonated and naturally sweetened. It is the result of natural fermentation of ginger spices, yeast and sugar.

Another drink made from ginger besides ginger beer is ginger ale ale. Ginger ale is a carbonated and ginger-flavored soft drink. This drink usually contains alcohol.

Ginger beer is said to have originated from the spice trade with the Eastern world and the sugar produced from the Caribbean islands. It was popular in England and its colonies from the 18th century.

Thus the discussion of this article about the health benefits of ginger, ginger herbal drinks, ginger side effects for certain people.

Hopefully it will be useful fo you!

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