7 amazing health benefits of tomatoes


The nutrition facts of canned tomatoes, as well as fresh tomatoes are indeed quite promising in helping to maintain the health of the human body due to their various nutritional and vitamin content.  

What are the great things about tomatoes

The hight content of lycopene in tomatoes has given tomatoes a red color that is useful for tomatoes from ultraviolet rays.

The lycopene substance found in tomatoes can also help protect human body cells from damage. In addition, tomatoes also contain potassium, vitamin B, vitamin E, vitamin A and other nutrients.

My husband also consumes 2 medium sized tomatoes every day, with the hope of to keep his blood pressure and cholesterol stable and prevent blood clots.

This is, because my husband has had a heart ring installed to help improve blodd circulation to his heart. Hopefully, by consuming tomatoes, my husban’s heart condition will be healtier.

Here are 7 health benefits of tomatoes :

1. Boots the immune system

The substance lycopene is an antioxidant that is useful for warding off free radicals that can damage human body cells adn increase immunity.

Therefore, consuming tomatoes can reduce a person’s risk of lung, stomach and prostante cancer.

In addition, eating tomatoes can help prevent diseases such as pancreas, colon, throat, mouth, breast and cervix.

2. Improves heart health

Yhe lykopen substance found in tomatoes can help reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) levels and lower blood pressure. Thus, it will be able to help with heart disease.

In addition, other nutrients found in tomatoes called flavonoids such as vitamin B, vitamin E and antioksidants. These flavonoids can improve heart health.

3. Protects the eyes

Substances called lutein and zeaxanthin found in tomatoes will be able to protect the eyes from blue light emitted by digital devices such as smartphones, laptops and computers.

These two substances will help keep your eyes from getting tired and relieve headaches caused by eye fatigue.

Several studies have been conducted by experts, that these two substances contained in tomatoes will be able to reduce the risk of blindness or macular degeneration for a person, related to age.

4. Protects the lungs

A study that has been conducted by experts on taomatoes, that the content contained in tomatoes is beneficial for asthmatics, because it will be able to prevent emphysema. Emphysema is a condition that can damage the air sacs in the lungs slowly.

Why can the substances contained in tomatoes protect the lungs? This condition can occur because lycopene, lutein, zeaxanthin and other antioxidants can fight harmful substances from tobacco smoke which is the main cause of emphysema.

5. Lower risk stroke

Consuming tomatoes can help lower your risk of having a stroke. A stroke can occur if blood flow to the brain is stopped.

The substances contained in tomatoes will be able to help relive inflammation, lower cholesterol levels and prevent blood clots so that these conditions can help prevent strokes.

6. Maintain oral health

According to research conducted by experts, the lycopene substance contaned in tomatoes can help overcome guzi disease, gingvitis, periodontitis and prevent cancer by fighting free radical exposure.

However, eating too many raw tomatoes is also not good because it will cause problems with tooth enamel damage.

This condition can occur due to the high amount of acid, if you brush your teeth immediately, the condition will not get better. Therefore, it is best to leave it for 30 minutes, after which you can brush your teeth.

7. Protects the skin

The Lycopene content found in tomatoes is what can protect the skin from sun exposure. However, lycopene is not a substitute for sunscreen so do apply in on your skin. This lycopene substance, will only help protect your cells from the body.

How are fresh tomatoes different from canned tomatoes?

Although both are equally good for health if eaten, canned tomatoes will have advantages and disadvantages as well.

Canned tomatoes, the lykopen substance will be more easily absorbed by the body than fresh tomatoes.

However, the processing of fresh tomatoes into canned packaged tomatoes will be able to eliminate the vitamin C content contained in tomatoes.

Ways of serving tomatoes include :

It can be added to vegetable soup (cooking tomato soup), as a salad, to make tomato sauce or tomatoes baked in the oven with a little olive oil.

In addition, raw tomatoes cut into slices and sliced shallots are also delicious, if served together with peanut seasoned chicken satay or soy sauce seasoned chicken satay.

As discussed above, tomatoes can be consumed directly or processed first. If we consume tomatoes regulary, we can get health benefits from minerals, vitamins and antioxidants form tomatoes.

Although tomatoes can be consumed by everyone but for someone who is allergic to tomatoes should avoid it.

Also, for someone who has acid reflux disease or gastroesophageal reflux (GERD), they should limit the amount of tomatoes they eat.

This is because acidic foods can usually make stomach ulcers worse. However, people with reflux can tolerate tomatoes that are cooked and in small amounts.

Here, 11 nutrition facts from a raw tomato weighting 76 grams :

- Calories : 23,5

- Carbohydrates : 4 g

- Dietary Fiber : 1,5 g

- Protein : 0,5 g

- Total Fat : 0,5 g

- Sodium : 4,5 mg

- Vitamin C : 20,5 mg

- Vitamin K : 3 mcg

- Vitamin A : 336 mcg

That is, the nutritional facts of canned tomatoes and fresh tomatoes that have not gone through the process, all of which we will bw able to get by consuming them.

This is our article on the benefits of tomatoes that can improve heart health, reduce the risk of cancer, improve digestive health and maintain healthy skin. This is because of the nutrients, vitamins and other substances contained in tomatoes.

Hope it's useful for you!

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