Lemongrass, what are the health benefits


This group of grasses called lemongrass is not only used as a spice, but also as an essential oil as a kitchen spice, the manufacture of essential oils can also be used for drinks herbal.

Lemongrass stems, kitchen spices as well as useful as herbal medicine

Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) or often called lemongrass is a kitchen spice that belongs to a type of grass. The benefits of lemongrass apart from being a kitchen spice can also be used as herbal drinks, essential oils and aromatherapy.

When lemongrass is used as an additional kitchen spice in cooking Indonesian dishes such as nasi uduk, curry and many other Indonesian cooking recipes, lemongrass will play a role in providing a distinctive fragrant aroma to the dish.

The shape of lemongrass is similar to alang alang, fibrous roots and short rhizomes while the stems will grow in clusters. Has a leaf length between 50 to 100 cm and a leaf width of about 2 cm.

On the midrib, lemongrass skin is purplish white while in the stem layer there is a yellowish white tuber. In Asia, lemongrass is widely used as a kitchen spice, spice or herbal drink.

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The author's experience in making herbal drinks with ingredients consisting of tea, ginger and lemongrass, this herbal drink can be refreshing if drunk when you are not feeling well or unhealthy body conditions.

While other experiences that the author has done in making herbal drinks are with ingredients consisting of lemongrass, lime leaves and lime and this herbal drink has been used by the author to overcome phlegm cough.

Both of the author's experiences in making this lemongrass herbal drink, did have an impact on reducing these complaints. Well, if you experience a condition of not feeling well or coughing then you can try the herbal drink earlier, as well as to prove the truth for yourself.

In addition, lemongrass also produces essential oils using the water vapor distillation method on the stems and leaves.

Lemongrass is also used as a basic ingredient for making pesticides because it contains a chemical compound called citronella that can repel mosquitoes.

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Then, what are the benefits of lemongrass for health

Before discussing what are the benefits of lemongrass for health, it is very important to know what content is contained in this lemongrass.

Lemongrass has contents such as vitanmin A, vitamin C, vitamin B9 (folate, magnesium, iron, potassium, phosphorus and potassium). In addition, lemongrass also contains plant compounds called phytonutrients.

Here are the health benefits of lemongrass

- Free radical antidote

Lemongrass contains antioxidant compounds including quercetin and rutin so that lemongrass can ward off free radicals that can cause chronic diseases such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes and cancer.

- Mosquito repellent

Lemongrass can be used as a mosquito repellent. This is because lemongrass essential oil contains geranial, geraniol, neral and citronellol which produce a distinctive aroma that can interfere with the smell of mosquitoes so that mosquitoes stay away.

The trick is to pound the lemongrass stalk, then let it sit for a while. Well, when we sleep it can be useful to help repel mosquitoes.

- Lower cholesterol

Another benefit of lemongrass is that it can help lower bad cholesterol bad cholesterol (LDL) levels. This is estimated from the results of research that lemongrass contains compounds such as saponins, sterols and phenolics that can reduce fat levels in the blood.

- Lowers blood pressure

Another benefit of lemongrass can also have a diuretic effect, which can stimulate the kidney organs to increase urine production. Therefore, this diuretic effect is useful when the stomach feels stuffy due to prahaid syndrome.

When someone urinates, it will remove excess sodium levels which can trigger hypertension. Therefore, this diuretic effect can keep blood pressure under control.

By doing a massage using lemongrass aromatherapy oil, it will be able to calm the body and will have an impact on lowering blood pressure.

- Stabilizes blood sugar levels

Another benefit of lemongrass can also prevent excess blood sugar levels from rising. This study was published in 2021 from Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine.

The study observed mice that were given lemongrass essential oil and found to reduce blood sugar levels and blood fat.

This is because this essential oil contains citronellal. In further research, citronellal has antioxidant properties that can reduce cell damage due to exposure to free radicals caused by blood sugar.

- Reduces abdominal pain

Other benefits of lemongrass can help to calm muscles, muscles and nerves so that it can help insomnia sufferers get a good quality of sleep a good quality of sleep so that sleep becomes more restful.

In addition, by inhaling the essential oils found in lemongrass and essential oils containing geraniol and linalool compounds can activate alpha waves.

Well, this alpha wave will make you relax so that your eyes can close faster because you feel sleepy The results of this study are described in a study published in the Bali Medical Journal in 2022.

- Reduces anxiety

Herbal drinks in the form of lemongrass tea have the effect of calming the mind This is because the aroma of lemongrass can relax the muscles, muscles, and central nerves so that it will have a calmer impact.

The aroma that appears is obtained from the content of phytotonutrient linalool, geraniol, a-pinene, camphene, sabinene, myrcene, psimene, limonene, cis-ocimene, terpinol, citronellal Borneol and farnesol.

As we have said earlier, the aroma that comes out of lemongrass can activate alpha waves in the brain so that it can relax.

- Lowers blood pressure

Another benefit of lemongrass can also bring out a diuretic effect, namely it can stimulate the kidney organ to increase urine production Therefore, this diuretic effect is useful when the stomach feels bloated due to premenstrual syndrome.

When a person urinates, it will remove excess sodium levels which can trigger high blood pressure (hipertensi). Therefore, the effect of this diuretic can make blood pressure under control.

By doing a massage using lemongrass aromatherapy oil, it will be able to calm the body and will affect the decrease in blood pressure.

- Stabilises blood sugar levels

Other benefits of lemongrass can also prevent an increase in excess blood sugar levels This study was published in 2021 from Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine.

This study looked at mice that were given this lemongrass essential oil and it turned out to be able to lower blood sugar and fat levels in the blood.

This is because this essential oil contains citronellal In subsequent research, citronellal has antioxidant properties so that it can reduce cell damage due to exposure to free radicals caused by blood sugar.

- Reduces abdominal pain

One of the responses from the body, if there is inflammation in the body, it will cause pain Lemongrass is one of the anti-inflammatory foods that contains citral compounds so that it can reduce inflammation.

The citronellal content found in lemongrass can provide a pain-relieving effect Several studies that have been carried out have obtained that lemongrass tea has carminative properties that can reduce flatulence.

However, lemongrass also has side effects when consumed Then, what are the side effects that can be caused by this lemongrass herbal drink.

Here are some side effects of consuming lemongrass :

- Headache

- Feeling tired

- Dry mouth

- Increased appetite

- Frequent urination

- Causes allergies, including dry, itchy skin, rashes, runny nose and nasal congestion

Recipe for making lemongrass drink :

- 2 lemongrass stalks are washed

- 2 cups of water boiled with lemongrass until the water boils then let the water reduce to 1 cup remaining

- Strain the lemongrass decoction then wait until it is warm and can be drunk

- This lemongrass drink can be drunk 2 times a day

However, this lemongrass drink is not the only herbal medicine that can replace drugs from doctors.

If a person's condition is still in the situation of taking drugs from a doctor related to the disease he is suffering from. It is better to consult a doctor first if you want to consume this lemongrass drink.

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